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Welcome to Arabella Astrology

“As above, so below.”


This simple phrase perfectly describes the fundamental principle of astrology. It is the idea of an  intertwined relationship between you, as an individual, and the universe at large. 


Astrology is ancient. As long as humans have been able to contemplate the stars, they have been compelled to find meaning in them. Astrology has been around since at least the 2nd millennium BC with the earliest records dating back to ancient Babylon. This makes astrology as old as civilization itself.  Much of the customs and practices of these people have been lost and yet, astrology remains. The ancient divination has survived until today, where we still look to the heavens and find as much truth as we did thousands of years ago.


Kings wouldn't make a move without consulting their royal astrologers, and today, modern royalty turn to the practice as referenced by J.P. Morgan who once said “millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”. Your unique inner light shines just as bright as any royal and deserves to be studied and realized.


Astrologers use a combination of psychology, intuition, scientific tools, a vast knowledge of the cosmos, and archetypal symbolism to create a beautiful picture of who you are and where you fit into the universe. It is a tool for the enlightenment of your personal truth and marks the path to where you need to be.

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About Arabella

Hello, my name is Arabella and I have been studying astrology since I was 8 years old. A third-grade teacher handed out a “one size fits all” zodiac paragraph to the class in an attempt to disprove the practice. That same evening I was glued to the computer, trying to figure out astrology on my own. My conclusion? Astrology is not one size fits all. There are no two charts that behave exactly alike and the deeper you study a chart, the more accurate it becomes.


I have always been stunned at astrology’s ability to accurately pinpoint the intimate details of a person’s life. Their hopes and joys, their pains and sorrows. Astrology answers so many questions and reveals truths about ourselves, our relationships, and society at large. It is my privilege to help others who have these questions and are curious about deepening their self-knowledge. My mission is for all of my clients to leave feeling uplifted and supported with a new perspective of their inner and outer selves.


I want to create a new experience in astrology and change the idea of what a reading is or could be. Astrology is wild. Astrology is illuminating. Astrology is fun. It is the celebration of your life and the language of it. 


You carry within you all the light of the stars and cosmos. They call out to teach you and it is my privilege to be your translator.

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What to Expect

During our 120 minutes together we will deeply dive into the contents of your birth chart (and deeply dive into the snacks I provide). Your chart will act as our guide to your most authentic self.


We will investigate not only your areas of struggle but celebrate your areas of mastery and triumph and you will leave with a sense of clarity and understanding.


The Session

We will start with an overview of your chart, going over the main themes and areas which most jump out at me. We will then go over the chart more deeply, touching on specific planets, aspects, and houses while weaving together the picture of how they all interact. Pausing for questions and sharing stories is encouraged. This will not be a lecture, but a conversation.




2 Hour In-person Reading: $300CAD

Those who are not in Toronto or cannot visit my location for any reason may book a virtual reading.


2 Hour Virtual Reading: $300CAD

Area(s) of Focus

Looking forward to connecting soon!

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